redresssal of complaints
Redressal of complaints and grievances
At Indrayani Co-operative Bank Limited (ICBL), we want to make sure that you get only the best of service from us, service which you, our valued customer, deserve.
The bank shall ensure that all the complaints received are recorded and resolved, but shall also ensure effective monitoring / escalation mechanism to ensure customer complaints are resolved in a proper and time bound manner with detailed advice to the customer.
The Bank’s Grievance Redressal policy follows the following principles:
- Customers are treated fairly at all times.
- Complaints raised by customers are dealt with courtesy and in a timely manner.
- Customers are informed of avenues to escalate their complaints within the
- organization, and their rights if they are not satisfied with the resolution of their complaints.
- The Bank employees work in good faith and without prejudice, towards the interests of the customers.
If, at any stage, you feel that our service levels are not up to your expectations, here is what you can do:
Customers who wish to provide feedback or send in their complaint may use the following Channels available with the Bank:
Contact Number: Customers can Contact on 020 2741 5839
E-mail: Customers can email at ho[at]indrayanibank[dot]com