About Fixed Deposit Scheme
Growth together is Growth that is better we make sure that your money multiplies by giving you customized solutions. While you enjoy the growing years of your child, your money grows too!
Term Deposit scheme to suit your requirement and future plan. You can not only earn higher income on your surplus funds by investing in any of our term deposit schemes, but also avail loan against those funds. Thus fulfill your need, multiply your funds as well as keep your savings secure.
Eligible to operate a Term Deposit Account
- Individual - Single / Joint account
- Minor - Operated by natural guardian / appointed by court
- Trust - Private / Public
- Partnership firm
- Limited company - Private / Public
- Club, Association & Society
To open Term Deposit Account, you just need to provide
- Duly completed account opening form
- Pan card /FORM 60- if, no Pan card
- Proof of Residence of the applicant(s)
- Proof of Photo Identification of the applicant(s)
- Proof of Age in case of senior citizen
- One recent passport size color photographs of Partner(s) / Director(s)
- Introduction by an existing customer, whose account is at least 6 months old OR
- Introduction letter of your existing bank verifying signature
- Submit Partnership deed with Registration receipt in case of Partnership firm
- Submit Memorandum of Association, Article of Association, Resolution in case of Company
- Board Resolution / Resolution in case of a company, an association
Fixed Deposit
- Monthly interest at discounted rates
- Quarterly interest on deposits
- Half yearly interest on deposits
- yearly interest on deposits
- Senior Citizen can (avail) earn 0.25% extra interest for deposit more than 15 months.
- you can avail loan up to 90 % of the deposit if so desired.
This scheme is ideal for small depositors, salaried class and self-employed professionals with an intension of investing in household, consumer durables, higher education, etc.