About APBS (AADHAR Card Linking)
Aadhaar is a valid Know your Customer (KYC) document to open bank accounts. We have launched the facility of Aadhaar number linking with saving accounts.
Benefits of AADHAR Card Linking
- Direct credit of subsidies from government (LPG, Kerosene etc)
- Direct credit of welfare funds, pensions, scholarships etc. from government.
Steps for AADHAR linking to Bank Account
1. For Existing Accounts
- Provide a self-attested Xerox copy of the AADHAR card
- Fill the Mandate form to link the Account to Government Subsidy payment through AADHAR Number.
2. For New Accounts
- Open a Savings Account with us
- Give self-attested AADHAR card Xerox as the Identity proof along with other identity document
- Fill Mandate Form to link your account to Government Subsidy through AADHAR Number.
- Customers who have not yet applied AADHAR Card can also link bank account number while applying for AADHAR card.
- Customer who have applied for AADHAR card but not in receipt of AADHAR Number / Card
- Give your Aadhaar Letter or Aadhaar Acknowledgment receipt copy to Bank for existing account or customer can open new account with this Aadhaar letter